So there’s this war, see, and the people back home want lots of updates, well, they’re a people not inclined
to like to wait for things, see, and then there’s this whole 24-hour news network, and they need stuff to fill the airwaves, and well, the whole thing ended making a Wolf into The Wolf. And that’s the story of how Wolf Blitzer became WOLF BLITZER. The end. Back to you at the News Desk, William.
Field reporting isn’t what it used to be….Last week the Artists and Athletes Alliance, a sort of bridge between Hollywood and D.C., sponsored with UCLA a discussion by Wolf Blitzer at the Four Seasons. Wolf covered politics in general, plus some notable moments from the recent Republican debates. Takeaway: Moderators do probably just as much prep as the candidates. Takeaway #2: Journalists can out-politicize politicians. Takeaway #3: Two takeaways is usually enough.
Kudos and thanks to UCLA, and to Artists and Athletes (on whose Board I serve [how ’bout that locution?]), for their ongoing sponsorship of east-coasties venturing westward. Here’s a UCLA article on the evening, including a salaam by yours truly.