One of the great benefits of my (often, too open) schedule is that it allows me to take advantage of opportunities unavailable to others, such as, oh, those with steady work.
One example: San Francisco’s Academy of Art University has invited me to participate in a couple events this week. First up, on Thursday evening, is a panel discussion, ‘Social Activism in Films.’ I’ll contribute bits on the docs I’ve narrated, PSA’s, and Ethan’s too-little-discussed environmental bent.
My fellow panelists are Joshua Tickell,” director of ‘Fuel‘; Duane Baughman, producer of ‘Benazir Bhutto‘; Jessie Deeter, producer of ‘Who Killed the Electric Car?‘; Stephen Nemeth, producer of ‘War Dance,’ etc.; and Neal Baer, producer of ‘Law & Order: SVU.’
Then on Friday, I’ll be hosting the awards for the Epidemic Film Festival, held at the historic Casto Theatre. Tickets are free, and the info is here and here.
As the awards’ emcee, I have absolutely no idea what to expect. To be fair, of course, neither do they. Let’s be honest, and I’m fairly certain they don’t need to be informed of this: Martin and Baldwin, I’m not. It should be the blindest of blind dates. In front of hundreds of spectators.