William Mapother

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Archive for the ‘Places’ Category

Lost: The (Nearly) Final Celebration

Posted on: May 11th, 2010 by wmapother 4 Comments

This Thursday at UCLA’s Royce Hall, ABC is hosting a Lost party/charity event, ‘Lost: The Final Celebration.’  Composer Michael Giacchino will perform some of his music, the penultimate episode will be screened (shhh), and then they’ll be a deconstruction, er, party afterwards.

My date will be my fabulous and glamorous agent Suzanne.  Asking her to join me is just a small token of my gratitude, considering it is only through her ingenious efforts that I’m a part of this whole crazy Lost world to begin with.  Thank you, Suz, again and again.

Info is here and tickets (if any are left) are here.

Note:  The photo is, of course, from season one, right before Charlie brutally murdered the  unarmed, just-stabbed-in-the-leg-offscreen-and-therefore-considerably-weakened obstetric surgeon Ethan.

But don’t weep for me, Argentina, Romania, Thailand or Zimbabwe.  After I die, I’ll be back for eight more episodes.  But Charlie won’t.  And let that be a lesson to you young heroin addicts out there.

Posted in Acting Projects, In Person (or, like, Live), Los Angeles, Photos of Wm

San Francisco Treat

Posted on: April 17th, 2010 by wmapother 4 Comments

For those who lost sleep last night worrying about my emcee’ing the Epidemic Film Festival awards show, you may now rest your tired eyes.  It went off without a hitch.  The event was a blast and the students’ work was terrific.

As today is my birthday, I declare it a day of fun and rest for the nation.  I will spend it roaming over San Francisco in absolutely gorgeous weather.

For no reason other than I took them, I’ve decided to include some photos from the last couple days in the City by the Bay.

The first two are of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Memorial, and the second two from the Cable Car Museum.

Sadly, I couldn’t get a good shot from my window of the revolutionary rally (complete with red t-shirts) in Union Square, although I heard random cries of “pelosi!,” “not gonna take it!,” and “san francisco treat!”

Posted in Photos by Wm, Places

And they’re off

Posted on: April 8th, 2010 by wmapother 1 Comment
Because I cannot make it back to this year’s Kentucky Derby  — but selflessly insisted that they go ahead and run it without me — I got my spring racing fix a few days ago at the Santa Anita Derby.

It’s about 30 minutes northwest of downtown L.A., nestled up against the mountains.  I’m never, ever asked for my betting method, but if I were, the answer would be, of course, “Don’t ask.”

However, because you didn’t ask, I’ll tell you.  Step 1:  Look at the sights and sip your drink.  Step 2:  Realize they’re nearly at the gate and betting’s almost closed.  Step 3:  Rush to the betting windows.  [Bonus:  Spill your drink en route.]  Step 4:  Bet on the first number that comes into your head.  Step 5:  Return to your seat, look at the sights, and sip your drink.

Some photos for your viewing pleasure..

Posted in Louisville & KY, Photos by Wm, Random

Back from the Non-Dead, only to…

Posted on: February 1st, 2010 by wmapother 1 Comment

My, my, my. Five months just doesn’t take as long to slip by as it used to, does it? Well, no use blaming Mother Earth and Father Time for this one. Mea culpa, big time. My apologies for the absence — but those aliens just wouldn’t bring me back, no matter what I said. Okay, enough tomfoolery. Lost, er, Lots to catch up on.

So, after finishing the Shakespeare Lab in NYC, I narrated The New Sudan, a documentary on Southern Sudan’s work at rebuilding after the twenty-year civil war. It will soon begin the circuit of film festivals. The trailer is here.
Then I shot an indie film, Another Earth, in the gorgeous Catskills of New York state. It’s a romantic drama/sci-fi. That will also soon be making the festival rounds.
November found me in Vancouver, another beautiful location. (It’s a tough job, I know..). This time I was shooting an episode (called ‘Sanctuary’) of Fox’s new show Human Target, which airs THIS Wed, Feb 3, at 8pm. (Gold stars to those who guessed that might have something to do with my finally returning to my blog..) If you miss the airing, you can see it on Hulu by clicking here.
Then, in December, I was back in NYC to shoot an episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent. (which should air in March/April). NYC in December with the holidays lights and the smiling shoppers…Autumn been berry berry good to me.
That’s enough for the first post in five months. I didn’t stretch properly, and I don’t want an injury after so long away. More to come soon!
Posted in Acting Projects, Film, News & Events, NYC, Other Photos, Stage, TV, Voice


Posted on: August 2nd, 2009 by wmapother 13 Comments

My time with the Public’s Theatre’s Shakespeare Lab (see earlier post) is drawing to a close, unfortunately. We’ve finished classes and rehearsed our show, A Sad and Merry Madness. This week we present the show around the five boroughs of NYC, and we conclude our performances next weekend in the Hamptons with a fundraiser for the Public Theatre, hosted by Alec Baldwin. Details are here and here!

Posted in In Person (or, like, Live), NYC, Photos of Wm, Stage