Friday night I inched downtown in typical L.A. traffic to attend the 25th Annual Spirit Awards, the Oscars for independent films. The winners and some videos are here.
Friday night I inched downtown in typical L.A. traffic to attend the 25th Annual Spirit Awards, the Oscars for independent films. The winners and some videos are here.
The competition from videogames, the Internet, and content, content everywhere is making it harder than ever to penetrate our noisy culture and get your attention. And the businessmen who finance movies (bless them) are responding to the challenge by using terms such as “content discovery” (audience awareness of a movie) and “transaction opportunity” (letting you buy wherever, whenever).
On the upside, however, are the many ever-increasing ways you can watch and the industry can shove, er, get them to you. Screens in the bathroom — just what you need in your life, I know.
For those who want a longer discussion of what’s required by today’s independent filmmaker, Ted Hope tackled the subject in a post on his TrulyFreeFilm blog here.
Wish us well. : )
So, in Honor/Horror of Valentine’s Day, I decided to share with you a few of my own observations and conclusions about dating, romance, and l-o-v-e.
Then, later, I realized that none of you has (yet) done anything to me to deserve receiving such dangerous and potentially pernicious information. Therefore, the kinder, gentler, soberer me has decided to do something more humane: Share instead a few interesting articles on this Topic A.
The first few have to do with why you/we/I/us/them have such trouble with the damn subject.
The next two have to do with what to do about it/them/us.
The NYT’s John Tierney’s very funny Flaw-O-Matic is here.
12 years later, Tierney’s corollary to the Flaw-O-Matic is here.
Tierney discuss studies in re. Flaw-O-Matics here.
Lori Gottlieb’s new book on settling is discussed here.
Gottlieb’s controversial Atlantic article on the subject is here.
May you all find happiness and love. Happy Valentining!
Just returned from another raucous trip to Austin’s South by Southwest Festival. Two friends won the Special Jury Prize with the premiere of their documentary, The Way We Get By; I was able to watch a rehearsal of the theatre troupe Rude Mechs‘s upcoming show; and, not least in any way, shape, or form, I saw the Waco Brothers perform two terrific shows. If you haven’t treated yourself, listen to a few pieces of their rockin’ alt country here on iTunes. Go ahead, I’ll wait.. Really, I will. Go on. (Back in just a sec.) Right? See what I mean? If you have them on and aren’t moving, check yourself for a pulse. They’re all over my workout playlist, which is why I blame them for my reputation at the gym for being a spaz.